De Schakel is a modern primary school, based in Eindhoven. Our school resides in the ‘Strijp’ district in Eindhoven. On primary school De Schakel we believe in the ‘growing together’ concept in which every child receives an personalized education. On our primary school we focus on the development proces of every child. Primary school De Schakel works on a basis of mutual confidence between student, teacher and parent. Our primary school in Eindhoven consists of two beautiful buildings with a large playing ground. Our school is a part of Childrens Centre Lievendaal, which also houses children day-care and extracurricular schoolcare. If you want to know more about our school, contact us via our website form or give us a call!
This website contains important information on the organisation of our school. This website is intended for all parents and students that want to be informed about the daily activities or our school. You can find our newsletter ”De Schakelaar” via the Newsletters button. You can also find various photo’s from our activities.